Parents/Guardians are allowed to have an initial visit after the child arrives. After that, regular visiting hours are Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 7:00-8:00 PM and Saturday and Sunday from 2:00-4:00 PM. Visits may be up to a 30 minute period, no contact and must be with individuals on the approved contact list. Juveniles are allowed up to 4 visitors at a time. Special arrangements can be made by contacting the Detention Superintendent. Grandparents are allowed to visit as a privilege based on child’s behavior. Juveniles can earn more visits per week as they advance in the level system. Contact visits can be earned through the level system. Parents who are separated/divorced or otherwise estranged must either visit together or come up with their own arrangement by alternating visiting days or one parent visiting the first 15 minutes, then the other visiting the last 15 minutes. At no time will detention staff mediate or involve themselves in setting a visitation plan. In most cases, step-parents are afforded the same visitation rights as natural parents. A visit may be denied or ended for the following reasons: small children are left unsupervised, visitor is suspected of being under the influence of drugs/alcohol, or if the child/visitor become out of control of their emotions.
A driver’s license or other approved photo ID and your keys are the only personal property that may be brought into the facility. You and your property are subject to search. NO CELL PHONES ARE ALLOWED IN THE VISITING AREA.