- School: Regular School year and summer school provided by Farmington R-7. High School youth can earn credits towards graduation.
- Tutoring: Additional education in reading, writing and math, plus other learning activities.
- Individual and Group Counseling: Several days a week and upon request.
- Reading Program: Large varied and inspirational library
- Life Skills: Career exploration, goal setting and job readiness; A full life within limits; and various social activities that reinforce positive social skills.
- Character Under Construction®: Cognitive-behavioral curriculum that seeks to reduce recidivism by increasing moral reasoning.
- Listening Ear: Non-court staff who volunteer to listen and speak with youth in a confidential setting.
- Religious Services: Non-denominational: Sunday morning service; Thursday evening youth group; and bible study (all voluntary).
- Anger Management: Coping skills and stress management through health and exercise.
- Critical Thinking: Math, Science, word searches, Sudoku, origami and moral dilemma scenarios.
- Recreation: Indoor/outdoor physical activity: basketball, Ping-Pong, foosball and Wii.
- Other Creative/Fun Activities: Guitar lessons, art, crafts, games etc.